Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

The boys went with me to pick up our "organic, free-wandering" turkey. When we got it home, they really looked it over. They found the little holes on the wings and its skin where the feathers had been plucked out. Jack asked want the bloody stump area was...Sam informed him that was where his head was...that got a look of disgust from jack!

Then...they spotted the "other" end!! (great) of course Jack wanted to know what was THIS end and why was it so big? Sam informed him again, in his serious little tone, "This is his butt...he had a really big one." Say it as it is, Sam. That statement got a chuckle from Jack.

Jack continues to be amazed by the raw he found a wing and mumbled, "Flap, flap."
The only really disgusting part was that they were playing with the turkey without the required plastic gloves!!! :)

Happy thanksgiving to you and yours!!
(now let's go shopping!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! How funny! Why am I thinking no way will Jack eat this turkey! Happy Turkey Day!

    Love Gma & Gpa O

