Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Saint Moss is Back...

A late breaking post...

In case you do not know, we are HUGE Vikings fans. My dad was a HUGE fan, so I grew up a Viking. Jason has been a HUGE Viking since he was just a boy, so it runs in the family.

When the NFL season started, Jason came home one evening all excited and beside himself because he had heard that the Vikings were trying to get Randy Moss back...well, we didn't hear anything more, so we assumed it was a rumor...until last night.

When I got home, Jason was just about beside himself, because all over the news that Randy Moss was going to be coming back. He had goose-bumps the size of boils!! Before bed, Sam and Jason got down the Randy Moss statue Sam has on his dresser, and chanted, "Saint Moss, come back, Saint Moss, come back" while they rubbed the statue for good luck (seriously, he made my son do this!) I got to watch Sports Center all night...finally around midnight, he turned the TV off.

Then this morning, Jason received word that it was a done deal and SAINT MOSS is coming back...I think he exact words were, "HE'S COMING BACK AND WE HAVE FAVRE AND THEY WILL WIN THE SUPER BOWL AND MOSS'S DESTINY WILL BE FULFILLED WITH THE VIKINGS!" He said it loud and by the time he go to "super bowl" his voice was 10 octaves higher...he sounded like a girl...but from what I have witnessed, football can do that to boys.

So, we now have Saint Favre, Saint Pederson and the returning Saint Moss...I hope their destiny is fulfilled...for wives of vikings fans everywhere!

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