Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Things are really coming along...
The wood floors have had two coats of stain put on them. It wasn't so bad not being able to walk on the floors, because they were dry by evening. I love the way the wood grain "pops!" We also have a one coat of dark paint applied to the walls.
While the floors were being stained, the only way we could get to the second floor, was to jump to the landing by coming through the front door (on the far right.) Which would work well IF the floor guys hadn't locked us out when they left. No, we did not know off the top of our heads where our house keys were....we always use the garage door. Anyway, our main worker guy was still here and he used a crow bar to get us in. I told him I was ok with that...we are getting a new door anyway, but if he got in less than 30 seconds, i would be concerned what his other job may be.
On the outside, we "beefed up" the pillars and added a bay window. We really are pleased with both of these decisions! We still have lots of things that need to be1 done, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel...some days

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