Thursday, September 9, 2010

So we switched it up a bit and what a cheese ball!
We still had about 30 minutes before preschool, so that gave us plenty of time to stop at Starbucks for a first day of school scone and apple juice.
(and while we were there, I decided to get a frap, too!)

All sorts of welcome signs at the door of preschool. You can tell the nerves are starting to set in a little...

He spotted a friend and was so excited, but became very quiet when we got inside the classroom. He said it was too loud because of all the big people (adults) in the room. Jack is use to his routine when going to ps and that wasn't happening for him today. After a bit, we "big people" headed to a meeting for about an hour while the kids played in the room. Jack later told me, "It was much better after all of "you guys" left for awhile and we had snack." I sure do wish all of life's problems could be solved with a snack!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my goodness...He looks so grown up! What a fun year ahead for Jack!

