Thursday, September 30, 2010

Robin Came for a Visit...

'Tis the season for dressing up in costumes. Jack hasn't worn a "full"costume for some time and so I was excited t0o see Robin crawl out of our basement. I felt very safe while Robin was in the area....

This costume fit last year, but Jack has obviously done some growing. (remember Buzz Light year from last year..)
Robin jumped to the rescue...
...and landed with perfect form....
...on the look out for bad guys. (costume a bit tight and a bit short)
You can see a ladder in the middle of the window...the exterior of the house is being painted. One painter walked by while Jack was standing there...the painter gave Jack a wave and a thumbs up. You could see Jack's back get a little straighter...or was that because of the snuggie...

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