Monday, September 20, 2010


Sam had his second football game yesterday, It was rainy, misty, windy and cold. But, there was one exciting point in the game...

Sam (55) right in the middle, was blocking number 75. Sam blocked 75 with all gusto... which allowed his teammate (far right) to get the ball and a great run...

Sam kept a HOLD on 75...his teammate took off with an awesome run...

Sam continued to HOLD onto 75...his teammate is long gone...

Sam continued to HOLD 75...and what is that flying through the air? The yellow flag...guess what Sam got a penalty for...HOLDING! The ref walked by Sam and said, "You can't do that (hold)." Sam had to go to his coach and ask him what was holding...he explained it to Sam and Sam thought, yep, I was holding....

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