Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Creative Escape...

Last week I went to Phoenix for Creative Escape. It was a week of laughing, scrapping, taking classes, drinking margaritas, staying up late and laughing some more. I had SO much fun and haven't laughed like I did for years...it was such a needed escape for me.
One day, the instructors had a trunk show where they all showed different projects they had created~very inspiring! It was also an opportunity to take a photo with the instructor and get an autograph...if you wanted and who wouldn't want to!!

Heidi Swap (click on her name to read her review of creative escape) and me. She had something great and different to say to each individual - what a talent! Her sister's name is Katie, too!

Heidi signing my Creative Escape book...I am so excited!

Me and Teresa Collins...love this girl!

Teresa signing my Creative Escape book...again, I am so excited!!

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