Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What a Mess...

This is what greets me when I walk through the front door...the metal thing is my laundry shoot...I knew it was going to be messy and inconvenient...but wow...

This is our old kitchen. The yellow paint is where the stove use to be.
I am standing by the fireplace and looking at the old living room area. The worker men put up plastic (thank goodness!) to keep the dust etc. from entering the sunroom and from going upstairs. You zip it open and close. It feels as if you are being birthed every time you push yourself through.

Our air conditioning was fixed yesterday afternoon....thank goodness! The upstairs had gotten very warm and that plastic also keeps the heat in. It took some time to get the boys' room cooled off. I finally ripped back the plastic by the banisters and put a fan on the step to help the cooling process. I know the worker men won't be happy (my mom tripped and ripped the one by the sunroom) but nothing a box of doughnuts won't fix!! Off to Casey's....again!

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