Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Standing in the corner by the fridge, you can see the inside of the island. The microwave, sink and dishwasher are on this side. Jack can fit into the microwave and dishwasher areas...and my suitcase, which he was in while I posted this...
This is a view from the old french doors.
A view from the front door.... I think Jack was in the microwave or dishwasher area at this time.
And a different case you haven't gotten enough views yet! The blank spots are where cupboards still need to be hung.
The big finish will be the bay is to be put in some time this week...
(Oh...there's Jack!)

1 comment:

  1. Two ovens! Only serious cooks have two ovens! I'm extremely impressed, Katie! Your kitchen is going to be gorgeous. Holy cow.

