Friday, July 23, 2010

North Side Update...

Today is the fourth day of our remodeling project, so I will share the progress so far...needless to say, it has been in interesting times.
Here is a picture of the house, on the North side, before we started anything...
Here you can see that we removed the trees that were up by the house...this is a good thing. The trees had actually rotted some of the siding and could do so to the new siding. The white holes are where woodpeckers had pecked at the house.
On the first day, the builders removed the lower level of the siding (they also removed the siding on the east side) and put in the first new window!! Sam was so impressed how far he could see.
At the end of the third day, the chimney was gone. The large silver thing at the bottom of the scaffolding is the fireplace from inside the house. It took four men to put it into a wheelbarrow and move it to our giant dumpster.
Did you know that the end of the dumpster has a door on it so you can open it and wheel the wheelbarrow right in! Very handy!! Oh, the things I have learned in such a short week!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Major progress already! I'm so excited for you!

