Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First "Mini"-Disaster...

So, Monday we got our deliveries, including our wood. The delivery man attempted to drive down our lane, but decided not to - afraid that he was going to go off the asphalt and tear up the yard. That was nice of him. He brought down the first load with a separate "driver thing." Then he was off to get the next load. He didn't show for a bit and then Waste Management delivered the large dumpster. Shorty after they left, here came the lumber delivery man...walking and says, "Well, that last load will be awhile...I got stuck at the top of your lane."

"Uh oh," I thought, "What will the neighbors think??" So I walked up to the truck, along with our builder, to check out the damage. (I sure wish I had my camera, but didn't think it would be the right thing to do at the time. ) What happened was that the delivery man pulled over about 2 feet so Waste Management could get by and his front left tire sunk into the ground...all the way to his axle. He had to call a tow truck. Meanwhile, our neighbors pull into their driveway, after being away for the weekend. Nice homecoming...huh! (Lucky for us, they were very nice about the situation. ) All ended well, the tow truck came and got the delivery truck out, the delivery man delivered the rest of our lumber and I got a few AFTER pictures! The grass looks horrible, which the driver assured us that they will fix, but...oh my!

This is where the front wheel of the delivery truck sank...I asked Jack to stand in the hole. You can see how happy he was about offer. He was SO CRABBY all day on Monday.
(I asked him to go get dressed earlier in the day...he came back down with a DIFFERENT pair of pjs. I didn't say a word.)
Then I asked Sam to stand in the hole. He did so AND asked how I would like him to stand...he is so dreamy!! :)

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