Monday, July 26, 2010

East Side...

Here is a look at the east side of the house...
This is a view on how it looked before getting ready for the remodeling...
We had to cut down the tree so the builders could do the siding, but also, the tree had started to rot the wood around the middle, or kitchen, window. We need to remove the cement steps under the french doors, but Jason has been putting that off. Why? He is nervous about what might be living under the step. With all the noise the builders have been creating, I think whatever might have been under there is long gone!! We are removing the french doors and making them into large windows. The kitchen window will be completely removed, which will make sense to all when we do the kitchen!
Here the builders have removed the siding from the lower level.

Overall, things have gone well. Jack did state Thursday morning, "I cannot get any peace and quiet in this house. I need to talk to the builders to hold the noise down a bit." In reality, we are usually gone during the day, so the hammering hasn't gotten to us yet...but we still have many more weeks to go!!

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