Friday, July 9, 2010

Busy Blogger...

Haven't blogged for a bit...we have been busy getting ready for the renovation...which starts on MONDAY!! Our builders will start with the windows, then the siding - this will take about two weeks to complete. So we have been busy trimming trees and removing a few trees so they guys can get to the siding. Our builder also suggested taking items off the walls...there will be a lot of hammering!

We have also been very busy with the frogs/tree frogs at our house! We have 5-6 that live in our window well. We leave those alone. There have been several that have gotten in the garage and chasing them out has been a bit of a challenge...they can hop fast and far when they want! Unfortunately, we have not been able to rescue them all and we have found some dead dried up ones in the garage. Sam refers to them as little frog statues!

The "main" excitement is fishing the frogs out of the pond each morning. The little guys can't get out of the fountain because the sides are very slick. So, not knowing much about frogs, we fish them out. This morning we "saved" five little guys.
First, you must spot them...if they are not floating on the top, then you must search for them down in the corners of the fountain.
Once spotted, you must try to scoop them up with the net! This has not easy...again, they are fast even in the water!
A successful catch and release. Some of the little guys will jump right off, others just sit there like, "Darn, now I have to try to get in there again!"

Does anyone know...will they lay eggs in the fountain and then we will have a fountain of tadpoles???

1 comment:

  1. i second your builders suggestion of taking things off the wall. when they were putting on my new roof all my photos on the wall were cockeyed and crooked and i even had some things fall off shelves that were hung on the walls. there definitely will be a lot of shaking and moving going on!

