Thursday, June 24, 2010

What I am Reading...

Just finished Henry House. I would give it about 3 1/2 stars, but the book has gotten rave reviews. It is about a boy, Henry, that was an orphan and used as a practice baby at a college. At the practice house, girls learned how to take care of a baby. So, Henry has many mothers, but never a "real" mom. This affects him through his life, especially with his relationships. It didn't take me long to read this, but I didn't stay up late reading it...

I have tried several times to read the book, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but to no success. So, I took the easy way out and went to the movie last weekend. The movie is rough, but it was an excellent one! It was made in Sweden and is subtitled, but well worth the "read!" I am now going to read the second in the trilogy....will let you know what I think about this summer read!

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