Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Just a quick update on my dad. He had a stent put in last Friday for an aortic aneurysm. All his girls were with him before they wheeled him off to surgery. He was in great spirits, but really wished he was the one going to be in the waiting room!

After they took him to surgery, mom, Meg and I went to the waiting room. We were one of the first ones there, so we scored a comfy couch and two recliners. Megan played around with her new i-phone and accidentally set her ringer on "firetruck." Each time it would ring, everyone in the waiting room would get quiet and stare at us.

I tried to nap on the comfy couch, but Meg's "siren" would wake me or I would eavesdrop on the family beside us as they discussed how kids now days don't even carry checks. They have this little credit card type thing called a debit card that they can use and take money right out of their checking account!

Dad was in surgery for about two hours and then in recovery for almost three hours. We met him at his room where he kept saying that he felt really good. Which he now understands was the drugs and Novocaine in his body! He finally got to eat...a raspberry Popsicle...which he was so excited about....haha. He had to stay on a liquid diet all Friday, which really did not please him.

The three of us headed to the hospital cafeteria for some lunch. After eating, we were waiting for the elevators and a little boy threw up beside me. And as you know, I cannot handle vomit of any kind or from anything. So, I let out an uncontrollable, "AHHHH!" Meanwhile, Meg was thinking, "Wow, that kid could burp,"...not realizing what had happened until she heard my distress call and saw the pure look or terror/horror on my face. Never fear...Meg is here! She grabbed my arm and steered my back into the cafeteria, giggling all the way. Mom had no idea any of this was going on, but followed us (by habit) asking..."What is so funny? What did you two do? Where are you two going?" We went out some back doors and walked around the hospital to the main entrance...what my family does for me to avoid an unsightly puddle!!

Dad headed home on Saturday and is doing really well. His only challenge at this time is trying to sit. His incisions are right where his legs bend and putting his "upper" body weight on the incisions is a bit sore. But, you can only keep a man from doing important computer work for so long!! He is VERY bruised on one side, and as Sam stated, "That bruise is as big as my head!" Jack, my band-aid expert, stated that Grandpa would need a very big band-aid and needs to cover that bruise up!

I would like to thank you for all your well wishes and this time, please send him positive vibes so he can sit and get back to important computer work and eating at the kitchen table!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my goodness...I totally missed this situation with your dad. So glad he is doing well!

    Had to laugh about the *other* story. I am completely freaked out just reading about it! Good strategy to walk around the building! I remember once when woman had a baby on the floor of our office building. There was a SPOT ON THE CARPET for months after!!! I went out of my way to go around that spot! lol

