Monday, June 7, 2010

Some New Things...

Thought I would share some fun new things that I have found...

I keep my photo "information" in this 6x5 notebook that I found at Target.

A new 16x20 print for the sunroom I purchased at Slide Sideways.

Huge wooden key that I got at Target. Perfect for my kitchen wall!

Huge wooden scissors that I got at Target when I purchased the above key. Hangs out on my old doorknob "thing" by my front entry.

The scissors will look amazing in my new scrapbook a year or two!


  1. LOVE that print! It would not work in my house, but it would be perfect in the house I would prefer to have!

    Oh, gosh, I am old, b/c I remember when those ginormous scissors and such were popular back in the 70's (I think). As were the ginormous spoons and forks. But yours are cooler.

  2. Hi, I'm sure this is random but I stumbled across your blog looking for a large wooden key...yours is exactly what i need! Did you purchase it at target recently? You can email me at

    Thank you in advance!!


