Thursday, June 17, 2010


Holy cow, crap, moly....

The other night we heard a tree frog croaking. It ws loud and sounded as if it was inside the house. Well, after much looking, we found the little guy on the window ledge OUTSIDE (thank goodness) the widow. Cute little thing...his little chin would blow up each time it croaked. He was fun to watch. Our flood light was on and he was enjoying a large snack of bugs...I'm cool with that.

Before I went to bed, I decided to check on the little guy and couldn't find him. I was checking out the large variety of different bugs that had plastered themselves on our windows when I suddenly spotted the little tree frog...right at eye level! I yelled out a "HOLY CRAP." Not so cute anymore...totally disgusting on his bottom side and glued to my window with those nasty bubble suction toes. But of course, couldn't' pass up on the opportunity to take a picture!

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