Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bike Stories...

My main photo fixing and organization application is Picasa. It has the option of writing text on your photo. So I have been playing around with this option more and more. I have even found myself taking pictures (as well as cropping photos) with larger spaces so I can write on the photo. I love this! Here is a couple of examples that I have done...

This story tells about how Sam learned to ride his bike without training wheels...if you click on the picture it will "bigify" so you can read the story.

I caught this photo just as Jason was asking Jack if he wanted to learn how to ride his bike without training wheels...he face tells his answer.

This is just a photo of Sam, right after he clicked the strap on his helmet...needless to say, he clicked his finger in the strap, too!
I print the photo as a 5x7 with the longer stories because I had to use smaller print. When I type shorter text on the photo, I print off the photos in 4x6 or 5x7. Then, all I have to do is put it in the summer scrapbook and done with that page!

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