Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dinner at the Beldings...

Jack came to dinner the other night dressed in his blue best. He had on new blue athletic shorts (that made him look like a surfer) a blue basketball shirt and blue drake relays wrist bands (to collect the sweat.) Oh and the topper was, blue earplugs. (I was using them for mowing earlier and left them on the counter.) He just came to dinner, never pointed them out, just acted as if it was perfectly natural to have blue earplugs in he ears. All through dinner he talked real loud and kept saying, "I can't hear you!"

I asked Sam what he thought about Jack's outfit. All he did was roll his eyes. Then he proceeded to talk to Jack by just moving his mouth and not really saying anything. Jack would look at Sam intensely and then state, "I CAN"T HEAR YOU, SAM. CAN YOU HEAR ME?" Sam just giggled and then "talked" some more. As I have said before, always something interesting going on!

1 comment:

  1. nanny/momMay 04, 2010

    I want to live in Jack's world

