Thursday, May 27, 2010

Camp Belding...

Camp Belding was a success. 9 boys showed up for bug tattoos, scavenger hunts, running around, making survivor necklaces, running around, hot dogs, cake, ice-cream and sleeping over in the tent. The boys had a ball...even if it was 90 degrees and 99% humidity!

This was Sam's camping cake. My friend, Amanda, made it for him. When he first saw it, he was absolutely amazed! He kept saying, "This is so awesome!" The other boys thought it was "very cool" and very excited that everyone got a sleeping bag and some chocolate rocks to eat.

The final touch was lighting the candles on the bonfire. It looked amazing!
The boys slept outside in the was steamy, wet and hot. Jason slept out there with the kids. About 2 am, something was killed in the forest...we are thinking a rabbit got caught by the fox that we have wandering out here. Well, that spooked Jas! He was up, in the tent, looking out with his flashlight. Then 3 deer came running out of the woods and stood in our driveway huffing. Something had spooked them! Jason suddenly got concerned about how he was going to protect 5 boys for whatever was out there (even if the house was just 10 feet away!) The deer then decided to eat some leaves and grass and munch loudly while doing so! Jason finally got to sleep sleep by 4:00 am and then the boys woke him up to 6:30...short night for the guy!

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