Wednesday, May 12, 2010

An Animal Diorama...

Sam is studying animals and their habitats at school and for the grand finale, he must make a diorama of an animal of his choice (a diorama is a shoebox with the animal and its habitat displayed inside of the box.) So, Sam and I were talking about some different animals he could alligator, a crocodile, a monkey...he said that he would think about it.

The next afternoon, I picked him up from school. He jumps in the car and states, "I know exactly what animal I am going to do for my project!" I, myself, was hoping for a shark, a dolphin (I had googled some awesome dioramas of those animals) or maybe an alligator or crocodile. "What have you decided?!" I asked excitedly...


The title of the book below says exactly what came out of my mouth next...

Well, after some reading and talking with others, I now know what meerkat is. (Timon from Lion King is a meerkat...but I quickly found out that printing off a picture of Timon would not work for the diorama!) So, our mission was to figure out how to create/make a model meerkat. We headed to Micheal's, found modeling clay (best invention ever) sat down Monday night and made meerkats. I must say, I think our one big meerkat turned out pretty darn good.

These are meerkat heads (that is all that is left after being attacked by one of their main predators, the eagle or vulture...I've done my reading on these animals!) Actually, Sam is going to make a burrow and have the little meerkat heads peeking out. Good idea on Sam's part!

All the supplies are due to school today. There's an open house in a couple of weeks to view all the animals in the world. I'll post a finished meerkat diorama at that time!

(I still like the idea of doing an animal diorama of the raccoon, living in a garbage can as its habitat, eating leftover raw chicken.)

1 comment:

  1. nanny/momMay 12, 2010

    That is one great looking meerkat.
    Good job!

