Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jack the Exercising Artist...

We had Jack's preschool conference last week. It was good and interesting. His teacher shared with us that he sometimes will do 2-3 push-ups, for exercise before getting into line. All Jason and I could do was giggle when she told us. Where does Jack get this? Who's just Jack. Then she shared with us his self portrait he had drawn. He did such an awesome job with his details! Love that he has on a green shirt! Oh...and what is the writing in the lower corner? His teacher wrote down what Jack said about his picture: " Do you know why my hands and arms are so big? I've been working out." Jason and I read that and started to belly laugh right there in the conference...I don't know if his teacher appreciated our reaction. I am sure when we left she said to the others, "Well, that explains a lot about Jack!"

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