Tuesday, February 16, 2010

To all the Grandparent Snowbirds...

Jason's parents headed to Arizona in November. My parents took off last week for Arizona. I thought I would post some pictures I took around town this weekend, just so they can feel good about being south and not up here in the Artic. We had more snow last weekend and a "measurable" snow is expected for this weekend....ick.
Look familiar Grandma Sharon?
These are the snow piles in front of the City of Ankeny Building.
In front of the Dog Groomer's on Grandma Sharon's corner.
In front of Mercy North...


  1. OK, that's it now I know for SURE I'm not coming home until the snow is gone!!!! See you around the 4th of JULY! :)

  2. I see 2 positive things....shadows which means the sun is out and bare streets...


