Saturday, February 20, 2010

Racoon Proof...

The raccoon FINALLY left Thursday night. It stayed in there for 2 days! Those things must eat ANYTHING, because I am NOT a good cook and it liked my leftovers for 48 hours! On Friday night, Jason went out to Raccoon proof our garbage can. But, first he had to make sure the little fur ball had not climbed back into the can. (it did snow 5 inches on Friday and he might have gotten cold.) So, Jason took a pitch fork out with him and slowly and carefully opened the lid of the can. He had a pitchfork in case the raccoon would try to attack him. Then he slowly and carefully peered into the garbage can to see if there was a visitor. There wasn't, so the last "test" was picking up a few of the garbage sacks. All clear, so he was good to go and bungee cord our garbage shut. Garbage is picked up on Monday. With our luck, we will unbungee the can for the garbage collectors and the little guy will get back in!!

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