Thursday, February 18, 2010

Raccoon Update...

Last night Jason went to throw the garbage away in our outside garbage can and had a little "critter" looking up at him. He threw the garbage into the can and ran into the house!! (I feel so safe!) Then he thought, "Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me." So he went and got a flashlight and looked in the garbage can and sure enough, there was a little fur ball in there.

Jason left the lid open over night, so the little guy could get out, or his family could join him! Unfortunately, this morning, he was still in there. He had just dug himself further into the garbage and slept warmly all night! (ate some left over chicken and brownies for dessert) So, now the garbage can is moved away from the house and we are just waiting until the raccoon decides to exit.

I do wonder, though, how did it get in the garbage can in the first place??? That takes talent!

1 comment:

  1. How cute! Next time, have him take the camera. :-)

