Friday, February 26, 2010

Leaky Prayers...

Unfortunately, we have several leaks in our house. We have had terrible ice dams and Jason has spent several hours on the roof, trying to get rid of snow and ice. This winter has been brutal and it is bound to happen! The other day, we discovered a new leak, then later on I heard the boys talking to the "head guy" in the hopes of getting a break with all the snow...

Dear God,
Please make it rain and rain and rain every day so the snow will get ushy and gushy. And then the sun will come out and all the ushy and gushy stuff will go away.

This is Sam again. Can you please make it sunny for awhile because there is too much snow. There is so much snow that we have leaks in our house. And if it keeps snowing, then our house will be all wet. So please make the sun come out and make all the snow melt.
Thanks, God.

Hope they work...not sure if I want to get rain for days, but Jack's heart was in the right place! :)

1 comment:

  1. I second all prayers that will keep anyone off their snowy icy roof

