Monday, February 15, 2010

KC...there we were!

On Feb. 6th, the owners of the Scrapbook Store I work at, took us to Kansas City to visit different scrapbook stores. It was our Christmas gift to us! (Isn't that just the best!) One of the stores that we stopped at had an enormous selection of stamps...and she blogged about us!

Check out me on the bus...front row, with my seat buddy, so I won't get car sick!! Imagine that!!!

Side story:
She mentions on her blog how she stamped "Riley" the moose, on our passports. Well, she stamped "Riley" the moose on the wrong page of my passport. She stamped the Curious Sofa page instead of the Stampers Ink page. (yes, it was an accident.) BUT, then she proceeded to try to rip the pictures of the Curious Sofa off the page, that she incorrectly stamped, so I could put her picture images on the page instead. Needless to say, that didn't please me. I kept telling her, "Don't worry about it. I can fix it later." She finally stopped, but not before she did a little damage to that passport page. So, when she got on the bus to take the photo, that is on her blog, I tried to wave my hand as fast as possible, so her picture would be blurry...yes i am juvenile, but she upset me.

PS: Mom, doesn't that remind you of the time I made a gingerbread house at work (I was about 20 years old) and you picked it up and stuck your finger through it and I actually sat there and pouted!! Some things just never seem to go completely away!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Katie,

    I am bummed about your passport. AS YOU KNOW, pages should NEVER be ripped from ANY type of book! ;-)

    Love, Seat Buddy

