Thursday, January 14, 2010

Three Guesses...

Can you guess what these boys are doing?
a. Seeing who can be more like Gene Simmons.
b. They have turned into little birds since moving to the woods and they are waiting for me to feed them dinner.
c. Sam has been reading the Guinness Book of World Records and we decided to try to break the "How many popcorn kernels can you catch in your mouth while your mom tosses them to you from the roof" record.

d. none of the above.

e.all of the above

Answer: d. none of the above. (I know that is a surprise!)
Actually, "things" were melting from the roof and the boys were trying to catch the drips with their tongues. Sam believed the more open his mouth was, the more successful he would be. Jack gave his tongue a little ramp for the water to head down. All they DID succeed in getting was a very wet face. (Jack really gave up after 5 seconds and just went and ate some snow...slacker!)


  1. Adorable! Your life with 2 boys is so different than mine was/is with 1 girl!

  2. marlo/mom/nannyJanuary 15, 2010

    Love those little birds.... You write some very clever commentary. I would have guessed B

