Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lion King Part I...

Last weekend, we went to see The Lion King at the Civic Center. Jas, my mom and I have seen it before, but we took Sam with us this time. It was so fun to watch Sam watching the show.
Of course we had to take pictures before Sam's first fancy dinner out and "Broadway" show!

We were happy to have my mom join us!
Aunt, my sister, stayed with Jack, who refused to get his picture taken with us (though we were able to get him in the background.) Not that he was jealous of us going and he had to stay home, he couldn't wait for us to leave so he could have Aunt all to himself! Two days before she was to be at our house, he was already asking/telling me, "When Aunt gets here, mom, you leave. OK." He and Aunt played everything possible in the house...he was so happy!

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