Monday, January 11, 2010

Jack' First BB Game...

Jack had his very first basketball game, on Saturday, and it was a hoot to watch! Jack loved playing, but was easily distracted at times. Like the time when I got to the game (a little late) and he ran out of the game to give me a kiss on the cheek and tell me, "Did you know that you are dad's wife?" And off he went to play some more, but not before telling Jason (who is coaching these little guys), "Your wife is here."
This is how you guard the basket when you are 4. You run down to the basket, stand and put your arms in the air. At one time, the entire team was in a line, with their arms up, under the basket. Jack soon learned not to stand right under the hoop...he got hit in the head with the basketball two times in a row.
Jack got to dribble the ball down the floor with a little help from the coach AKA Jason (or dad or my husband.)

Here Jack is shooting the ball. Look at all those rebounders...NOT!! They are all just standing with their arms in the air and watching the ball! Can't wait for the next game... if you would like a good friendly laugh, join us!

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