Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December Daily: Day 1...

A "thing" that some scrapbookers do each year is to complete a December Daily scrapbook. The idea is that we do so much during the Christmas season, that why not record it! Last year I tried to make an album, even had all the paper chosen and put into an album ahead of time, but I still finished about 4 days. So, I am going to try once again. This is the first Christmas in our new place and guaranteed it won't go smoothly (like all my xmas decorations are still in storage) and I just want a record to look back on and say...OH WOW - remember that! My plan is that if I blog each day, then I will already have the journaling completed AND in a way, you all hold me accountable.

So, here is day 1...

On the first day of December, we watched "Shrek the Halls" and "The Grinch."

The boys watching the Christmas specials on the new flat screen TV ( I bet in 20 years, we will get a laugh out of that thing!)

Jason also stopped by at Cold Stone Creamy and got the boys some ice-cream. Birthday Cake remix with peanut butter and chocolate chips....yummy!!!

1 comment:

  1. now that is what I call a great cream and movies

