Thursday, December 10, 2009

The boys could not wait to head out in the snow Thursday morning. By 9 am they were bundled up and out playing. We had to check the ruler first!

WOW! What a storm!!
Yesterday, we were literally snowed in. We could not even attempt to get out of our driveway. The person that said they would plow our drive had not shown up, so we got contacted another person (thank goodness - Jas and I were getting a bit nervous that we may not get out until spring.) HE got stuck at the top of our lane the drifts are so high! Thank goodness he was able to get out (with the help of a friend) and he chipped away at our drive and got it done. I want to go out tomorrow and see the drifts...we couldn't see much tucked back in here!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Katie! I do believe you got more snow than we did, although just a couple of inches more. :-D How fun for the boys!

