Wednesday, December 30, 2009


We fill the bird feeder in the evening and then it is completely empty in the morning. We figured it was the deer, but not positive...until the other morning. I filled the bird feeder in the MORNING hoping my cardinals would come around. We were enjoying coffee with friends, looked out and AH HA!! It is the deer~ three of them! Look closely, the one has it's tongue hanging out! They drained the feeder in about 5 minutes!

This little girl walked almost to the window, as if she saying, "It's empty. You need to come and fill it."

Well, I didn't fill it, so they went out in the woods to wait...they are worse then the squirrels and rabbits!


  1. marlo/mom/nannyDecember 30, 2009

    Now Megan will know why she dodges deer when she leaves your house.

  2. GORGEOUS photos!

    But I'm also laughing as I look at them. One of the cat blogs I read (yes, it is written by a cat!) has frequent posts about what he calls Vishus Deers that try to eat tender, joocie cats. All I can say is it's a good thing you don't have cats living with you. :-)

