Thursday, November 19, 2009


No pictures today, just a word to say that I am still here. I plan on getting pictures up as soon as I have Internet to continue my important computer work.

As I have already shared, at this time we dp not have Internet or phone. I am going into shock and the shakes have started, without the Internet, so I have taken up getting 2-3 Starbucks a day to help get the jitters under control - costly!

We have no phone, so I am using my cell phone, which I am not a good cell phone carrier. I put it down and then forget where it is or I leave it in the car. So if you call, just leave a message.

We have no mail. I changed all of that 2 weeks before the move and the mail people "never got" the info. So, now we must wait another 7-10 days. The only good part is that when we do get it, it will be tons of it and then I will feel popular!

We have no dryer. The plug-in blew up. Now I have loads of wet laundry that I will need to take to my mom's or town.

We do have an awesome laundry shoot. There is one in the upstairs hallway AND the kitchen wall. The boys have LOVE throwing things down the shoot. We have had to put a halt on "hard" items. Too painful on the heads.

We do have a new TV that was hung on the wall by the night we moved. We do have direct TV which was installed the next morning. We have a HUGE attached garage that is heated. We have another HUGE 4 car detached garage witch is also heated. But, I don't have a garbage disposal.

And...we do have mice (which I will refer to as little customers) that love that I don't have a garbage disposal. I will update that later, because at this time I am off to buy some really good traps.

Overall, the move went great, we are getting settled in, the boys love it and it is beginning to feel like home.

Hope to be back on by the beginning of next week. If not, I will go into work again and blog from there...the girls there understand my pain from not having a computer!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my gosh! You don't have internet??? I would go nuts! Those ppl need to get it fixed immediately! If they knew how important your computer work is, this would be #1 Top Priority! Did you tell them you need to update your blog??? lol

    Glad the move went well! Hope to see you soon!

