Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Vent...

Rarely do I speak poorly of people or places, but seriously...

I went to the store, which will remain unnamed, but I can get a propel, candy, my photos, medication and on this day, to get some packing tape.

I went check out and the gentleman said, "Do you know that you can save more money if you buy our brand of packing tape?" I reply, "Oh, that's OK, but thanks for letting me know."

He goes on..."You know you don't need to get this brand (US Postal Service) it just needs to be clear on your packages."

This is what I wanted to say:
Well, I like this brand. Just like I enjoy a huge cold frapacino on a blizzard day (which I am tired of Starbuck's saying "Don't you know it's 30 below zero and a frapacino is an icy drink?" That's another rant for another day!) Also, your STORE BRAND has less yards on a roll then this brand and my 7 and 4 year old use this tape because it is called the "ONE ARM BANDIT" which means you can hold the box while you tape with the other hand. And if you knew that I had 10,000 boxes to pack, then you would realize that I don't want to mess with your cheap STORE BRAND that I end up throwing half of it away because it folds up on itself or you have to use scissors, and that crap doesn't cut easily. And if you have ever used YOUR BRAND, then you would know that it is thin and doesn't hold and you have to use twice as much. So ring me up and put my purchase in the bag. If I wanted to save money, I would have brought a coupon!

But what I ended up saying was, "I like this brand because I can hold the box with one hand, and you can tape with the other, which is really handy And it has more tape on a roll then your store brand. But again, thanks for letting me know."

Then he asked me, "We have candy bars on sale for 49 cents..."



  1. lol That's nuts! Either the guy was desperate to meet his sales goals or he had a crush on you, Katie! Maybe he was thinking, "How can I keep this lovely young lady at my register even longer???" lol

  2. In response to Janet and the "lovely young lady" comment...maybe he thought you looked like you loved candy bars and needed one, or two, or three. So, how many did you buy?

