Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Trick or Treat!

I made these little Halloween favors the other day. I got the idea from Linda, who works with me at Memory Bound. Jack is going to give them to his daycare friends for Halloween. I just hope I don't pack them away or forget where I put them!!
All the little creatures lined up in a row...ran out of eyes for the pumpkins...
They are very easy and quick to make. All I used was Hershey miniature candy bars, color cardstock and a black glaze pen. The decorations (the bat and ghost) are actually ribbon that memory bounds sells. Oh - You can free hand the Frankenstein hair or use the goop punch by Martha Stewart (which I did.) I am making Halloween treat buckets for the boys...I will show pictures of those when they are done. I can share about them, because the boys don't read my blog!!

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