Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Our New Home...

Our house has finally sold, so I thought I would post some pictures of our new establishment. (warning: loads of pictures!)

This is taken from the inside of my car, coming down the lane. Wanted to show you the big yards that we will have!
This is the view from the front porch. It is a detached four car garage...Jason is just about beside himself about this "little" addition! You can see our cars in the circle parkway...don't they look at home and so happy.
I am now standing by our cars..this is the attached HUGE two car garage.
I am now standing where the car is parked in the previous picture. This is the water fountain (which has a fish in it) and the patio. Look at all those trees...and fallen leaves...


  1. Wow! The boys will be in heaven!! This is awesome I am so excited for you. I will have Logan come and show the boys what fun they can do with a BBgun! Congrats! Let me know if you need help with anything.


  2. A fish?!? Hopefully not a beta! lol
    It is BEAUTIFUL! Oh, my gosh...it's like a lodge! I'm so excited for you! Ok, now to look at the rest of the photos...

