Thursday, October 1, 2009


We did our annual "dress up as mummies using toilet paper" the other day. I wrapped up Jack first (duh) and then Sam. Jack was unwrapped by the time Sam was wrapped, so he got a small rewrap...actually a toga. He also did not want his mouth covered, so he looks a little middle eastern.

The boys headed downstairs and proceeded to chase each other around, so the toilet paper would hang off them like "real mummies." I was smart this year and made the deal that they had to clean up any TP that was not on their bodies. I am still finding it nooks and crannies.
You can see where I securely wrapped Jack (a nice belt, boot, bracelet and hat combo.) And of course he had to add the Mario hat (costume was already on!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this makes me laugh. Now I am wondering if I could make Lily into a mummy. Hmmm....

