Monday, October 26, 2009

I did it!!

I started running about 2 months ago, well, I really shouldn't say running, I would refer to it as jogging...slowly. I found a program on line called "Couch Potato to 5K in just 8 weeks!" So, I decided to give it a try. The first week I started, I was to jog 60 seconds (yes, SECONDS!) and walk 90 seconds, until a total of 20 minutes. I could go about 45 seconds and I would be sucking wind!! My goal was to run the 5k at The Race for the Cure. I have never, ever ran that far in my entire life. In high school, I was a sprinter and a 300 was considered distant running for me!! Well, the race was Saturday and I DID IT!! I ran the 5k!!

Here is Jason put my "timer tag" on my shoe. I didn't want a timer tag for my shoe. But if I didn't turn it in, I would get charged 10 bucks. So I wore the timer tag. Good foot shot though!
Jason and I getting ready to head out the door for our run. Thank goodness Jason was willing to run with me!! Remember, it wasn't too long ago when he did a triathlon...he is in a bit better shape than I. He was very kind. I had to take a 30 second break up this enormous hill (and I am not exaggerating about the hill..the one NW of the capital..Grand Ave. ENORMOUS! and seriously, why would you end a race on a giant hill???) He said that when he did his tri., he, too, had to stop and walk a bit. (Yea, he had just swam a mile, biked 13 miles and then was running a 5k!!) We had drinks after we got home to celebrate my race...see picture below!
Nothing like a VENTI Carmel frapacino to celebrate! Aren't I a crazy girl!!

1 comment:

  1. Katie, that is amazing! You are my inspiration! I AM NO KATIE! But I wanna be!

