Thursday, October 22, 2009


This weekend we took the boys to Rock and Roll Disney...they loved it. It was about Mickey and his friends finding people to put on a talent show with was so painful. To pass time, I took pictures during the entire show!! I felt like I went to Rock and Roll hell!
What a great picture Jack...typical. Then I whispered in his ear, " You are going to lose your cotton candy!" (and could Sam's head look any bigger...poor angle Jason!)
Wa La...a pretty good picture!
This was right after intermission. We thought the show was done, nope. Ugh! Jas and I kept looking at each other and rolling our eyes and looking at our watches. But, the boys had fun...and that is what counts! :) Jason and I went to Wicked that night. Alphaba kicks Mickey's ass!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I can feel your pain! We used to feel the same way about Barney. In fact, Jay wouldn't let Bailey watch Barney for the longest time for fear she'd like it and we'd have to watch it all the time. Drove us completely bonkers!

