Monday, October 12, 2009

Crime Scene Prank...

A friend of Jason's turned 40 this weekend, so they went out on Friday night to celebrate. Jas got home at 3am and wakes me up, "You have got to look out the window!" I figured it was snowing and thought to myself, "You are seriously getting me up to look at snow." (because I have a terrible time falling back to sleep once woken up in the middle of the night.) So I get up and look out and proclaim, "What the hell?" Well, our friendly neighbor prankster got us again! He used 5000 feet of crime scene tape to COVER our house! Jason and I were laughing and just had to take pictures, yep, at 3 in the morning!!!

A view from the street...
Of our front porch...
Just a view of how each tree and anything else that could hold tape was used....
Then we found this in the morning, the backyard was not spared either! I didn't get a good shot due to it SNOWING and not wanting to go outside, but the tape goes off to the right and around the swing set. On the left it is hooked on trees and all across our patio. It was funny to see cars drive by this am and slow down so they could check out the crime scene!! Jack looked out the window and said, "Oh yea! My wish came true!" Sam looked at him and replied, "What? You wanted crime scene tape all over our yard?" (I am pretty sure Jack was referring to the snow.)


  1. lol That's hysterical! But wait...what was the crime???

  2. Janet...I can't post that! :) Actually they said it was a crime that we were moving..isn't that sweet.

