Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carving Pumpkins...

After a fun filled trip to the Hy-Vee pumpkin patch...(I KNOW I am a bad parent!! But, the weekends have been so rainy and icky that we didn't get to the real pumpkin patch this year...oh the guilt!!) we carved our pumpkins Sunday night. It went as usual...Sam gagged, I ended up scooping out the guts and Jason carved. This was the first time Jack really got into the pumpkin thing. He was so excited to carve the pumpkins...and then lost interest after about 15 minutes and after seeing the guts.

We are so proud of Sam. He actually took off his pumpkin lid this year! Doesn't he look excited!! Each year he gets a little better! Yes, there is an entire story behind Sam's pumpkin issues. It all started when he was just 18 months old, we carved a pumpkin on the kitchen floor so he could see everything that was going on. We took off the lid and said, "Sam, touch the insides!" He walked over looked into the pumpkin and proceed to throw up. Needless to say, pumpkins just aren't his thing...even now.
Jack got right in there. Well, sort of. I had my plastic gloves out and waiting (knowing I was going to have to help with the "de-gutting") and jack thought it would be a good idea if he put some gloves on too. (Is that a slight look of disgust on Jason's face???) Well, Jack dug out a big goop and....
he was done.
We turned the camera over to Sam. As you can see, I am scooping, (with my fancy gloves) Jason is carving and Jack...must be narrating! I had to crop this picture quite a bit due to Sam standing out in our living room...we would hate for him to get too close and get a whiff of pumpkin!

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