Saturday, August 8, 2009

Time for School...

It is time for Sam to go back to school. He has hit the "There's nothing to do," stage. I told him to find something in the closet to do..after suggesting that he go and wash the chocolate off his face - which he did not find very funny.
"There's nothing to do in here." (oh my word...I guess I should just throw out all that stuff!) "I mean that there isn't anything in here that I haven't already done." So I go into my pizza scenario...Have you had pizza twice? (yes) "So you can play with those toys more then once..."
He didn't like my pizza scenario. So this is Sam heading up the stairs...(hopefully to wash his face) Actually he was telling me, "Don't take my picture!"
"Stop taking my picture!" Is that a little smile I see and a clean face???


  1. This cracks me up. I talked with Blake this morning and told him to be prepared next weekend as I haven't gotten any pictures of him this summer...I think I heard a big sigh! Guess I'll just have to follow him around...with the camera around my neck.

  2. lol Yep, it's almost time for summer to be done!

