Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Last Day of Summer...

Today Sam starts second grade, so yesterday we had to celebrate his last day of summer. We did so by going to Union Park. It is a fun little spray park and a carousel you can ride for only 50 cents!! Sam thought it was a great way to end the summer.
Once we found the place (I headed to Highland Park which is a part of the inner city) the boys headed to the rocket slide...see the little girl sitting at the bottom..that gives you an idea on how tall this thing is. Sam did his usual, "Jack! Do you want to go down the rocket slide?!"Jack, "YEA!" Sam, "OK, you go first, Jack." Well, Jack did , as always and he loved it. Sam eventually did head down after Jack.
After getting really grubby at the slide, due to kids pouring sand down part of it to go faster, we went over to the water fountain/splash pool. The boys had a ball...
The deepest part of the pool is 12, though the water looks deep here, it's not. The boys could scrape their noses on the bottom if they weren't careful. They put on their goggles and spent at least 30 minutes..."going under water"? Sam just looks so nice and relaxed!

Our last stop was the carousel. Jack jumped on a horse (i think) and Sam rode the wild rabbit.

These "animals" are pretty high and this wild five year old boy was trying to mount the giraffe beside Sam. (there had to be at least 40 other empty animals on the ride, but wild boy chose the one directly by Sam) The kid would only get on so far and then he would actually flop off and land on the floor of the carousel (due to the giraffe being so tall!) At first it scared me, but, being so smart the wild boy did it about three more times. Sam and I just stared at him...his mom was aways behind us, yelling, "John, be careful!" "John, be careful!!" He was fine and finally did get himself on the giraffe and as soon as the ride began, what do you think that kid started doing...yep, trying to jump off the giraffe and of course his mom was yelling at him again...we only rode one time. It was a good last day of summer.

1 comment:

  1. That was a great last day of Summer. I can't believe that they are romping in water again after spending 5 days at a water park.
    love the picture of both of them 'leaping" through the water spray.


