Friday, August 21, 2009

Go Karts...

There were Go-Karts at our hotel, so of course we had to head over to check them out. Sam was so excited, because he could drive one all by himself!!

I drove with Jack, who was not to happy about the Go-Karts, because he couldn't drive by himself. He wouldn't smile for a picture...big pouter!! They were fun, but I wasn't to hip on going in so many circles and some punk kid kept hitting my car which was clearly against the rules we were told at the beginning.

Sam loved it so much, that he wanted to go one more time before we left. So, on our last night, Sam primped up ("Mom, it is our last night here and I would like to look nice"..ok Rico Swavay!) and we headed to the track. Sam got right in his go-kart and took off. Unfortunately, after the first lap, there was a cloud burst and it started to POUR!! I thought for sure that they would have to take the cars off the track...water and oily streets do not mix and are very slick...and i really didn't know how much traction was left on thyose wheels!! But, they did not pull off the cars. Sam was way in the back and I really thought he was having car problems...but then he got off...

Poor Sam was SO mud splattered. His car wasn't having problems, he was trying to hang back so he wouldn't get more mud on himself!! When I saw him, I started to laugh...thank goodness he is so laid back!! So much for primping, Rico!!

1 comment:

  1. lol What a cute story! Love those mud-spattered pics, Katie! Sounds like you had a great vacation.

