Friday, August 28, 2009

3, 2, 1...

Sam loves to take things out of the recycle bin and create projects. The other day, the boys made a space ship with astronaut helmets to go with their rocket. The funny part was, that our big green recycle bin was outside and it was raining. So the boys were getting pretty wet. So, they would come in, take their wet shirts off, put on a jacket, change their shoes (because telling them to stay out of the rain wasn't an option.) So they come in and I go tell them that they had enough stuff and to come out of the rain...well, all Jack had on was his boxers and his yellow rain boots.

"Jack, are you going outside in that?"
"Yea, it is ok mom. Nothing is getting wet."
That is because you have nothing on.
"Boys, it is time to come in."
Sam: "I think that is a good call, mom."
Sam is showing off his astronaut helmet and his map of space...I didn't even notice it was upside down! He is sitting in the rocketship. Thank goodness they have recycled water bottles and some tape (in the lower right hand corner.)

Jack didn't make a helmet. Instead he taped three boxes together to "rest" his arms in...I didn't get it either. Here he is looking through his "arm rester."

1 comment:

  1. Katie, Katie, Katie, these pictures of your boys are priceless! They are so precious!

    NOW...please tell me that you're using your awesome blog posts for your sb pages! You are, right??? Miss Janet is checking on you. Do NOT get as far behind as Miss Janet with your scrapbooking!

