Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Shopping with the Boys...

The boys and I went shopping the other day. They were very well behaved, but towards the end, they were ready to go...so I gave them my little camera to take pictures while I finished up my shopping...

Sam hula-hooped in the aisles...
Stores at jack's view from the stroller...

I was trying on some clothes and Jack was...dancing?...in the mirror. He is always amazed that there are 40 of him in the mirrors and asks, "What would you do if you had 40 Jacks?" Me: I can't even answer, I am speechless and then say, "I am glad I only have one to give my attention to!"

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! It's great to see what THEY see with the camera!

    Hope you guys are having fun this week!

