Thursday, July 16, 2009


Janet, one of my favorite people, crafter and friend, made a mini-book using pictures of Sam and Jack. I was so excited when she asked to use pictures of my boys (as I am when anyone asks to use my pictures!) because Janet is a big inspiration to me with my scrapbooking. She also "gets "my issues, not saying that she has the same ones, just that she understands alot of them!!

Click on the link below. she is in the process of changing her web look, but if you scroll down to "All Boy Mini-Book" you can get a peek at the book she made with the boys!

Thanks again Janet!

Several of you have asked about how Jack is doing. He Fell asleep around 6:00 Tuesday night and slept until 7:45 the next morning. He is doing much better and is back to his old self again!

I will not be posting until next week. I am heading on a trip! I would blog if I could schedule my postings, but no such luck...So, until next week...enjoy your summer, friends and family!

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