Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Amen Sister!!

I came across this article and thought it was a good one to pass on...people will come into the scrapbook store and purchase product while being on their cell phone and NEVER acknowledge me. I use my "normal" voice and go through my normal routine and ask the normal questions that I would to a person that was not on their cell phone. Some look at me as if I am the one being rude...hello!!! I think it is a good reminder to all about their cell phone use...


  1. I've seen this when I've been out and about in stores. It's really quite amazing how ppl don't think about these things. (Geez, I hope I haven't done

  2. mom/nannyJuly 01, 2009

    Here comes mom with an opinion on this one. I checked the website you included and will say that I have seen that behavior over and over. When we traveled I noted that many cash registers had signs similar to the one on the website. .many which just said "if you are you cellphone, step aside and we will wait on the Next customer" Yea for them.

    Another experience on vacation was sitting in a restaurant with mom, dad and son, maybe 10-12 yr. old, all with phones in hand the entire time. They never really talked to each other but did show each other a message on the phone and then retireated to their cell phone worlds.
    Sad commentary!
    Thanks for listening.... like you had a choice.

