Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fighting Rabbits...

I went outside to look at my flowers and thought I would share with you how beautiful my flower beds are...due to those stinking rabbits!!! When I first planted the flowers, I put green wire fencing around the entire bed. Then a baby rabbit, see here, squeezed itself between the little wire squares and CHOWED my flowers. So, part 2...I wrapped the individual flowers that were pleasing to the rabbit's palette, with smaller green wire. So beautiful...

A closer shot of the wrap and double wrap...
Part 3: The little furry friends then JUMPED DOWN INTO the beds. So now I have chicken wire lining the back of the beds. It is such a beautiful sight and sure to add value to the house. The good news, my flowers haven't been chewed on for a while...bad news, it looks like a chicken coop in the backyard!


  1. oh, chick...i know how you feel. i had to do the same thing last year and my flower beds looked like a had little prisons around my plants. it is SO FRUSTRATING! you may have to bring out the big guns....literally.

  2. lol OH, MY! I must say your flowers (what I can see of them!) do look quite beautiful!

